Buzz Words!

Happy New Year Tone Chasers. It has been a minute since I posted last. Between the holidays and with NAMM 2015 in less than 2 weeks - we have been keeping busy on new stuff to bring to you in 2015! Recently I received an email asking me if I could define some buzz...

Chasing Podcast 26

After odd frame rate occurrences on the camera and a freak incident where it was deleted all together -the video for Chasing Tone Podcast 26  is finally back up and running! In between talking about beer pairings, keeping track of Brian's Germ-X use, my fleeting...

Tone Report with Brian!

Tone Report with Brian!

This past week The Tone Report caught up with Brian to discuss his modest beginnings in pedal building and some great insight into his pedal building process. BONUS: Check out the great ad for the Cranked OD on page 23! You can read the full interview here: The...

How to Use Pedals to Their Full Potential (Part 2)

In the last blog we talked mostly about pedal order/ how to get the most out of your pedals. Most of the pedal setup I talked about was with the pedals being ran through the front of your amp. Well, what about the effects loop? What pedals should/ shouldn’t be run...

How to Use Pedals to Their Full Potential (Part 1)

This week, I wanted to discuss a question that gets asked a lot here at Wampler HQ. “What is the best order to put my pedals in for the best results.” While there are no hard and fast rules on pedal order - this is the preferred order that we personally wire our show...

Top 10 Rules to Follow at an Open Stage Blues Jam

10.) Bring your own guitar: Pretty straight forward. If you show up to an open stage blues jam – you have to bring your own guitar. Most times – the house band has spent a nice chunk of change on their personal instruments and understandably do not want somebody they...

How to Mic an Amp Cab Live

As gigging musicians, there is often one person at each of our shows that has a major influence over our guitar tone other than us– yes, I’m talking about the “Sound Guy”.  Some Sound Guys run their sound boards like master helmsmen at wheel of a giant ship and do an...

2 Ways to Use Amp in the Box (AIAB) Pedals

If you look at the entire product line of Wampler Pedals you will see a plethora of overdrives that often emulate famous amps. Some gear heads out there call these (A.I.A.B.) or for the non-initiated – Amp In A Box.  So what is an “amp in a box” type of pedal good for...

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