Designing pedals – From frustration to Fuzztration

Designing pedals – From frustration to Fuzztration

You may have noticed we released details of our new pedal recently – a fuzz/octave called “Fuzztration”. Instead of waffling on about the origins of it, the circuit, and the tones within; I’m going to talk about the name, the look and the marketing angle of the...

Boosts – just what is a clean boost?

Boosts – just what is a clean boost?

When you are lurking on as many gear forums that I am (it’s no wonder my sanity is often questioned) you start to notice patterns forming, you see the same questions come up, and quite often you get to see some great answers and also some terrible ones. I was...

Brian Wampler – Why good things never come easy

Brian Wampler – Why good things never come easy

Well hey hey! Normally, I don't write many of these blogs, normally because i'm too busy doing the youtube's and the breadboarding (aka circuit design). Plus, Jason and Alex are way more interesting than I am. However. In January a combination of things happened to...

Breadboarding basics…

Breadboarding basics…

We get a lot of questions about breadboarding. It is an essential for any DIYer. Using software from, we are able to give you the following tutorial on how to build a voltage amplifier circuit, or as many guitarists call it, a JFET booster. This is a...

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