13 years of You Tube, the birth of Wampler and having fun again!

13 years of You Tube, the birth of Wampler and having fun again!

  March 20, 2006. That’s the day I originally created my youtube channel. Originally, I wasn’t intending on creating a lot of youtube videos, but to be fair I don’t think many people that it would take off as big and as fast as it did. This was back when Myspace...

Balancing Family, Life, and Guitar

Balancing Family, Life, and Guitar

This is going to be a bit of an odd blog for me because it’s going to be a bit personal. At the same time, I feel after talking with several others in similar situations, that it’s a relevant and worth sharing. I’ll preface this with a bit of background info to fill...

When anxiety unexpectedly ruins your gig

When anxiety unexpectedly ruins your gig

Had the most horrible experience at a gig on Friday, and if I am being honest, one that has thrown me sideways all weekend. It’s been in the forefront of my mind ever since and I think.. I think… I’ve worked out what the problem was. A little bit of background for...

The 5 Guitar Moments That Changed My World (Max)

5 guitar moments that changed my life Early this week, Jason posted a Blog about the 5 guitar moments that changed his world. Piggy-backing off this idea – here are my 5. Although numbered – it’s hard to put them in any official order. It was also hard to pick only 5....

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