Chasing Tone Episode 40:

Mar 3, 2015 | Latest News, Talking about gear | 0 comments

This week I actually kicked off the show with my “radio guy voice” kind of cheesy – but it made people laugh so that’s something… “From land of snow and tacos”. If you don’t know what I’m talking about – it’s worth at least a listen for the first 2 minutes.

So right out of the gate! Speaker Positioning On Stage. Amp stand or right on the stage? Would you rather put your amp on an amp stand or directly on the stage? Well in our small assembly we had 1 for the amp stand – and 2 against. Brian hates when the speakers of his amp are pointed right at his leg because he can’t get a good tonal reference between his guitar, pedals, amp, and speaker sounds. Travis and I aren’t a fan of amp stands and would rather have our amps directly on the stage. We both in agreement that we weren’t a fan of having our amp’s speaker blasted right in our ears. (that’s what the front row is for right?) I actually use a long cable and walk out in the audience – before the show- to get a good reference to what my amp sounds like.

Boosting an Overdriven Amp: So what is the perfect way to boost an already overdriven amp? Well – we have to ask ourselves – what is perfect? Other than tacos and Travis’ hair of course. According to Brian though – there are about 3 general ways you can boost an already overdriven amp. 1.) A complete full frequency boost. (like our Decibel plus). 2.)Top End Boosts. Which are going to take off some bottom end. 3.)Midrange Boosts. (My personal favorite.) Think a tube screamer.

Stay tuned for this Thursday’s show Tone Chasers!




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