Chasing Tone Podcast 41

Mar 6, 2015 | Latest News, Talking about gear | 0 comments

This week on Chasing Tone! Highlight real!

Amp in the Box (AIAB) pedals and the importance of cab simulators: Ok, ok – getting right to it. (AIAB) type pedals do typically, or should, sound very close to the actual amp they are trying to mimic. When played through a tube amp – AIAB’s (especially ours – insert shameless plug here) help replicate the recreated amps tone and with the help of your guitar’s amp and speakers – and do a pretty darn good job of it. However when you use a AIAB straight in to a PA/ mixer – you lose the help of your amp’s speaker cab. Don’t fret too much though! With a cabinet simulator like a Radial, Two Notes, etc – you can help recreate those speaker tones that your PA/ mixer is lacking.

How to get a fuzz pedal to cut through the mix in a live setting?: The easiest thing – is to turn up your fuzz. Sounds simple – but if you crank up your fuzz and not blast everybody out – DO IT!  If you want to use your existing fuzz – use a drive pedal (like a tube screamer) before or after your fuzz to tighten it up and help it cut through the mix. Travis likes to run his drive before his fuzz to help boost it and Brian likes to run his drive pedal after the Fuzz to help shape it’s EQ. Play around with your order and let your ears be your guide! See ya Monday Tone Chasers!

– Max Chasing Tone Logo


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