I’ve had a strange relationship with Telecasters for what appears to be over 30 years now. You see, I love them, dearly – there is no sound like it, but I have to admit, I just can’t really play them and enjoy myself properly. I fail to ‘get lost’ properly in them,...
Talking about gear
Terraform, understanding the default settings…
One of the most surprising and lovely things I’ve noticed via customer feedback is that they are really digging the ‘plug and play’ default settings on the Terraform. It was something that Jake and I went over comprehensively, but to be honest, I didn’t think people...
Designing the Terraform – a snapshot of history
I honestly can’t remember how long we’ve been working on this pedal… If I’m going to have an educated guess, I’d say it’s been well over a year – probably about 18 months. It all started in a meeting we were having, Alex was saying (as usual) “What are we going to do...
Humbuckers – split coil and coil tap
Way back when… and I mean way back when, I was working in a guitar shop and it was right about the time that the concept of the Superstrat REALLY took off. It was the early 90’s and affordable guitars that allegedly bridged the gap between a Strat and a Les Paul were...
How fast do guitar pedals drain batteries?
One of the things I hear the most, and it’s literally almost a daily occurrence, is “why does this pedal eat batteries so much?” or something similar… Here’s the starting point, in my opinion of course… what we should all remember when thinking about guitar pedals is...
Signal Chain – Reverb into delay, delay into reverb, or something else?
Which order do you put your delay and reverb pedals? For years and years I was a firm subscriber to the most common way of delay into reverb… once I had started to play in LogicX, you know - just messing around, I was surprised at how different, albeit quite subtly,...
Stainless Steel frets – pros and cons
Well, I had my first EVER refret last week. I’ve never really cared enough about a guitar to get it done… well, either that or I haven’t kept a guitar for long enough and played it hard enough to even think about it. Or maybe, in the case of my favourite PRS, the...
3 ways for you to make your band sound better
As regular readers of this blog will know, I’m what’s known as a ‘part time’ gigger, or a semi professional musician, or the type of person who sinks every spare penny into a hobby without any monies coming back in… pretty certain many of you can relate! I’ve been...
Compressors, for guitar – a simple guide
If you are anything like me, for the longest time you treated compression as a big ‘meh’ and didn’t understand why virtually all guitar players need it. Yes, I did say that, virtually all guitar players need it. I thought that compression was something country and...
Dear Gibby… a letter of friendship.
Dear Gibby, I feel I have to write as I am really worried about you. I would normally pop over so we could have a drink and a chat, but you know, you’re literally miles away. Let’s face it, we’ve been friends for… man, I don’t know, seems like forever… and yeah, I...