Chasing Tone Podcast Episode 33

Feb 2, 2015 | Latest News, Talking about gear | 0 comments

So it’s Monday once again – which means another episode of the Chasing Tone podcast! For those of you who want the abbreviated version – here it is.

For those of you that have watched this podcast on YouTube – we started out this podcast with me cracking up at the beginning of the podcast over a video that I was “YouTube-ing”. (If you don’t want to watch a video of a dog in a teddy bear outfit running on a trampoline – skip down to the next paragraph.) With that said, if you need a good laugh this Monday morning – follow this link: If you don’t laugh a little bit – you might not have a soul.

So, what makes an amp pedal friendly? (Kenny Stein asked) In a nutshell – “flat responding” amps are usually the best for pedals. Flat responding amps are typically do not have a lot of sway over the treble, mids, or bass; the EQ is very neutral sounding. According to Brian, a pedal friendly amp doesn’t have a whole lot of presence or resident frequencies. Some amps, like a Fender Twin or a Dr. Z have their own tonal characteristics that shine through no matter what pedal gets thrown in front of them – and that definitely isn’t a bad quality at all for an amp. With that said – if you want to use your pedals for all your dirt (or if you work for a pedal company that needs to demo pedals) you might want to consider a flatter sounding amp. Neutral/ flat response amps – typically bring out the most characteristics of pedals. One of our favorite amps to use in the studio and on shows – is the Port City Pearl (2×12”). This is amp is super neutral and allows the true tone of the guitar and pedals to shine through.

Brian’s picking attack. For those of you who have listened to the podcast before or have ever met Brian in person, know that he has no love for Stratocasters. Travis may have stumbled on to a theory of why Brian doesn’t show any Stratocaster love – picking attack. For the most part Strat lovers/ players – this writer included – have a tendency to move their whole arm up and down while picking. Tele pickers – like Brian have the tendency to just move their wrist. (Brian plays a Strat a lot like a Tele – probably why he has never found one he likes.) Brian did say – that he would have to move his strap down sometime and try it. I won’t hold my breath. Lol.

That’s it for this week – stay tuned next Monday for Chasing Tone Podcast episode 34!

– Max




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